Power BI integration services

300+ London businesses have trusted us so far.

Benefits of Power BI integration
Benefits of Power BI integration
Pricing of TWC’s Power BI integration services

Power BI integration services FAQ
What is Power BI?
What are the Power BI integration services?
The suite of cloud-based applications also features the Power BI Report Builder used to create paginated reports, and the Power BI Report Server, an on-premise report server to publish the information created in Power BI.
Is Power BI the same as Excel?
Microsoft Excel is used to organise and transform data and to perform mathematical operations and calculations. Power BI, on the other hand, is recognised as a business intelligence and data visualisation tool.
Is Power BI the same as SQL?
Is Power BI a free tool?
The more advanced tools, including sharing dashboards and reports with other BI users, exporting them to PowerPoint/CSV, and publishing them to Sharepoint/Premium with live data sources, are part of the Power BI Pro package.
Is Power BI secure for my business’ sensitive data?
What makes TWC one the best Power BI integration service providers in the UK?
Since our launch, we’ve established close relationships with industry-leading vendors such as BT, BroadSoft, Cisco, and more. Here at TWC, we always take the time to listen to customer requests, and this has resulted in an excellent NPS customer loyalty score of 90. As Microsoft Gold Partners, we also offer and support the entire Microsoft suite of solutions, from Azure migration and remote working solutions, to Power BI integrations and more.
The Power BI integration services are also included in TWC’s IT Packages?
Do TWC provide any other system integration services?
We also provide the following systems integration services: