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Top Technology Trends Impacting Infrastructure & Operations

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It is becoming increasingly important that businesses align their technologies with their core objectives in order to drive their digital operations. Here at TransWorldCom, we take you through the top technology trends impacting infrastructure and operations that businesses should be paying closer attention to.

  1. Business-Driven IT

A recent survey conducted by Gartner revealed that over 29% of IT spend is obtained from business units compared to more traditional forms of IT. Due to this, this figure is set to continue to rise in the coming years. While business-driven IT was introduced in order to eliminate slow-moving IT processes, today it is designed in order to provide businesses with the opportunity to introduce new ideas at a quicker pace. At the same time, this allows businesses to enter new markets with ease.

Business-driven IT offers real value and should be used to help build relationships with key stakeholders. This involves ensuring that central IT is aware of new and upcoming projects, including how this may impact day-to-day operations.

  1. IoT

While the Internet of Things is set to change the way future data centres are managed, the IoT will also contribute to how they evolve, as a rising number of devices stream data to the likes of other corporations including agencies and government departments across the globe. With the ability to provide businesses with access to real-time supply chain data through tracking products, manufacturers are able to more accurately predict issues and reduce inventory by providing a detailed insight into usage patterns.

  1. Remote Device Management

Remote device management is becoming increasingly important for organisations with remote offices including those that are required to manage remote assets in a central location. As a rising number of enterprises begin to concentrate on micro-data centre support for both remote and regional sites, it is likely that the demand for effective remote device management will continue to grow.

Due to the swift acquisition of various IoT solutions, a new type of asset has been formed: connect sensors. From time to time, these sensors may require firmware updates in order to improve the programs that operate the device. However, for this to be a success, a high level of attention to detail in an asset tracking and management system is paramount.

  1. Containers & Microservices

Containers are swiftly making their way to becoming a prominent technology for business, as they develop a new application platform when working with the cloud and cloud development. Containers are typically perceived as a more convenient option, and offer a way to implement per-process isolation, meaning microservices can be quickly and easily developed and ran as separate processes. Microservices will run within the container and their architecture is typically defined as a ‘better’ way of building an app.

  1. Production Flow Monitoring

The IoT has many advantages including the ability to monitor production lines. Due to recent technological advancements, the IoT is able to monitor the product flow from the refining process, right up until the products have been packaged. This provides businesses with a greater scope to streamline various operations in order to better manage overall operational fees. At the same time, production flow monitoring can identify the parts in production where products are being misused, helping reduce waste. In turn, this enables businesses to save money and develop a more cost-effective strategy.

  1. New IT Roles

With large technological developments continuing to impact infrastructure and operations, it is only a matter of time until businesses have no option but to create new role in IT. While we are unable to be certain of exactly what these new positions will consist of, it is likely that a rising number of businesses will require an IT cloud broker in order to effectively manage several cloud service providers.

It is also likely that the role of an IoT architect will impact infrastructure and operations. The ‘architect’ will be required to work on multiple business units to ensure that each business’ IoT solutions are fully compatible with the IoT architecture or structures in place.

  1. DCaaS

Due to the technology trends impacting infrastructure and operations, IT departments will soon need to implement a data centre as a service model. This will help ensure that the role of IT and the data centre will deliver the correct service at not only the right pace, but from a suitable provider, too. This will also help ensure that this service is delivered at a fair price. In turn, IT departments, leaders and associates can be confident that the IT service and support provided by the business cannot be disputed.

  1. Stranded Capacity

Otherwise considered to be the things that are paid for but are not utilised, stranded capacity can be accessed in the cloud and in premise data centres. With this technology trend impacting infrastructure and operations, businesses must learn to focus on more than the likes of availability. When it comes to maintaining infrastructure and operations, it’s important to consider density and utilisation, too. By doing so, businesses can prolong the life of a data centre while reducing operation costs.

There are a number of technology trends impacting infrastructure and operations, from production flow monitoring to business-driven IT. By monitoring these top technology trends, businesses can ensure that their IT systems, infrastructure and operations remain as efficient and cost-effective as possible. In some cases, it can even help streamline what would otherwise be complex processes.

For more information about the top technology trends impacting infrastructure and operations or our key solutions, get in touch with a member of our expert team of 08000 248 900 or via our contact form, today.

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