Microsoft Azure Support Plans: what is the Best Option for a UK Business
Microsoft Azure Support Plans: An overview

For those seeking tailored support for their UK business, the local Azure Support plan is the way to go. With this plan, you can expect custom-made solutions to cater to your specific business needs. Additionally, by outsourcing your Microsoft services to one of the top UK Microsoft Gold partners, you’ll have access to real 24/7 support, tailor-made solutions, and many other features that can help your company grow. So, choose the right support plan for your business needs and take your Microsoft Azure experience to the next level.

Moreover, a UK Microsoft Gold Partner can offer the flexibility to combine different IT support services and provide a comprehensive solution that meets all of a business’s requirements. This can be especially beneficial for UK businesses that demand rapid response times and customised solutions to stay ahead of their competitors. For instance, custom hardware development, Contact Centre solutions and Microsoft Azure Integration services may all be required by a single business, and having a single point of contact can greatly simplify the process of coordinating support for these services.
In light of these factors, partnering with a local IT support provider like TWC IT Solutions can provide a number of benefits. With personalised support, local expertise, and tailored solutions, businesses can rest assured that their IT support needs are being met in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
Basic Azure Support Plan
Key Feature of BasicAzure Support Plan: Self-help support
▶ Basic Feature #1: Billing and Subscription management support.
▶ Basic Feature #2: 24/7 self-help resources. This entails having access to a library of useful guides and tutorials.
▶ Basic Feature #3: You may submit as many support tickets as you need.
▶ Basic Feature #4: Access to Azure Advisor. You can optimise your deployments with personalised Azure recommendations, save time on cloud optimization, and assess how well your workloads adhere to best practices with Azure Advisor.
▶ Basic Feature #5: Azure Health Status and Notifications which allow you to stay up to date on service problems affecting you, receive alerts about active incidents and upcoming maintenance and download official reports and root cause analyses (RCAs).
Scope: All Azure customers
Pricing: Free for all Azure customers
Suitable for UK businesses that are just getting started with Azure and do not require more advanced and complex services such as developing and deploying cloud-based applications. It is also an excellent way to become acquainted with Azure support plans.
Developer Azure Support Plan
Key Feature of Developer Azure Support Plan: Azure Advisor
▶ Developer Feature #1: Support for third-party software, including interoperability, configuration guidance, and troubleshooting.
▶ Developer Feature #2: 24/7 access to technical support by email and phone after a support request is submitted. This service is available during business hours and only by email.
▶ Developer Feature #3: General guidance on Architecture support.
▶ Developer Feature #4: All of the Basic plan’s features.
Scope: Trial and non-production environments.
Pricing: $29 per month
Suitable for UK businesses that require access to a suite of development tools, advanced troubleshooting and debugging capabilities, customizable analytics and reporting capabilities, and direct access to Microsoft Azure engineering teams.
Standard Azure Support Plan
Key Feature of Standard Azure Support Plan: Architecture Support
▶ Standard Feature #1: 24/7 access to technical support via email and phone.
▶ Standard Feature #2: Very quick response time if a critical issue arises.
▶ Standard Feature #3: All of the Developer plan’s features.
Scope: Production workload environments
Pricing: $100 per month
Suitable for UK businesses that require more advanced and complex services such as developing and deploying cloud-based applications.
Professional Direct Azure Support Plan
Key Feature of Professional Direct Azure Support Plan: Support API
▶ Professional Direct Feature #1: Architecture Support advice from a pool of dedicated managers.
▶ Professional Direct Feature #2: Support API which enables you to Create and manage Azure support tickets programmatically.
▶ Professional Direct Feature #3: Operations Support.
▶ Professional Direct Feature #4: Webinar training led by Azure experts.
▶ Professional Direct Feature #5: Proactive guidance.
▶ Professional Direct Feature #6: All of the Standard plan’s features.
Scope: Business-critical dependence
Pricing: $1,000 per month
Suitable for UK businesses that require the highest level of support and assistance with their Azure environment. This plan gives your business direct access to Microsoft Azure engineering teams as well as proactive advice and best practices.
Official Microsoft Azure
Support Plans
Local Azure Support Plans

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