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One of the best Business Connectivity service providers in London.

🏆 One of the top Cybersecurity companies of 2022 (Techreviewer)
🏆 One of the top IT companies of 2022 (DesignRush)
✅  Premium Partner of CISCO, MICROSOFT & SAMSUNG Electronics

✅  30-minute London on-bike response IT expert squad
✅  Industry-leading SLA within 10 minutes
✅  Written Warranty of Seamless Transition
✅  Excellent NPS score (90)

One of the best Business Connectivity service providers in London.

🏆 One of the top Cybersecurity companies of 2021
✅  30-minute London on-bike response IT expert squad.
✅  Industry-leading SLA within 10 minutes
✅  Written Warranty of Seamless Transition
✅  Excellent NPS score (90)
✅  Premium Partner of CISCO, MICROSOFT & SAMSUNG Electronics.

300+ London businesses HAVE PUT THEIR trust IN US.


Business connectivity and reliability have become the fuels of the business engine. TWC IT Solutions understands the significance of being connected at any given time. Our range of Business-Grade Connectivity services vary from broadband and FTTC to dedicated, resilient fibre ethernet solutions and managed SD and MPLS services. By providing tailored, ‘always on’ business-grade connectivity, TWC offers performance and price levels to suit your business, with the scalability and capacity to grow as you do.


Business Connectivity services offered by TWC IT Solutions

From Broadband to dedicated Fibre Ethernet (Leased Lines), not all connectivity is the same. We aggregate all major UK carriers, connecting you with the best service for your requirements, with industry leading SLAs and top-class support.
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We established relationships with some of the world’s most trusted and reliable vendors such as BT Wholesale, Colt, TalkTalk Business and Virgin to provide a high-end, constant internet connection with robust SLA’s and support for first-class Business Continuity at all times.
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Optimise your network security with high-speed connectivity services, monitored activity and a wireless intrusion protection system – all wrapped in real-time technician support to achieve minimal network downtime.
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Leverage software-defined WAN network management systems with significantly lowered operating costs and increased productivity by choosing a Cisco or FortiOS SD-WAN solution.
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Connect your temporary sites in days and extend your network and service availability with TWC’s 4G/5G coverage. Our network provision is built using Layer 2 VPLS technology, making it considerably more secure than other alternatives.
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AWS, Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute, Google Cloud Platform – our range of cost-effective managed, on-demand services utilise the power of Cloud hosting with the ability to decrease and increase capacity as needed within minutes.
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TWC’s WAN solutions are designed to facilitate hybrid working by allowing remote access to network resources or centralising key operations such as stock control.
Our network is designed for business. We understand how to connect you to superfast internet, providing you with end-to-end quality, resilience and speed.

Business Connectivity services – Key Benefits

New Tech Opportunities: Embrace the latest technologies and stand out from the competition by delivering exceptionally high service levels by implementing Cloud-based solutions or a range of broadband internet speeds from FTTC, 5G to a dedicated 100 MB, 1GB or 10GB connection. 

✓ Service Level Agreement (SLA): One of the key advantages of implementing Business Connectivity services is the SLA between your business and your IT solutions provider. This written contract guarantees that any potential faults get fixed in a pre-agreed timeframe, resulting in a reliable and robust IT infrastructure.

✓ Increased Cybersecurity: A high-quality internet with 24/7 network monitoring and troubleshooting will minimise cyberattacks. It also ensures instant data recovery in case of a potential breach, to never compromise critical business data.

✓ Protected Reputation: By investing in Business Connectivity services that ensure smooth operation, you minimise business downtime and not only optimise staff productivity levels, keep hybrid teams organised but also save reputational damage to your business.

✓ Consistent Flow of Information: By purchasing high-speed internet or utilising the Cloud, your business is always online and up-to-date and, as such, can communicate to the world more profitably and efficiently.

✓ Enhanced Customer Service: Optimised Business Connectivity resources result in faster response times, a more efficient sales process and more importantly, reliable communication channels, ensuring your business delivers high client satisfaction at all times.

Business Connectivity costs

Contact us today and book an appointment with one of our IT experts to discuss your requirements. To determine bespoke costs, we will need to scope the size of your business and the scale of support necessary.

Business Connectivity services FAQ

What does Business Connectivity mean?
Business Connectivity is the maintenance, daily operation and implementation of reliable, secure, resilient connectivity tools such as Business Grade internet, Cloud Direct Connect, SD-WAN or Wireless and 4G/5G connectivity, amongst others, enabling worker productivity, data security and customer satisfaction.
Why is TWC among the best Business Connectivity services providers in London, for an SME?
Our presence within the global IT infrastructure scene and the championing of industry-leading initiatives over the last 10 years has enabled us to establish relationships with all major carriers in the UK, such as BT Wholesale, TalkTalk Business, Vodafone and Colt. Coupling this with our unique 30-minute onsite bike response SLA covering Greater London allows us to offer you support whenever your business needs it the most. 
Managed Business Connectivity services vs unmanaged. What should I choose for my business?
One of the most significant advantages of entering into a long-term relationship with an IT solutions provider is that they take over all the management and required maintenance of the Business Connectivity services. They act as an external IT department, stepping in and assisting you whenever an issue emerges, compared to unmanaged services that place the responsibility of infrastructure entirely on you.
What are the dangers of not having a Business Connectivity plan in the post-COVID-19 era?
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up the economy – it was also an extremely challenging period for businesses of all sizes. It has taught society the importance of a backup plan; therefore, a Business Connectivity plan is crucial to maintain service levels and thrive in a post-pandemic environment.
Does TWC offer Cloud-based Business Connectivity solutions?
Absolutely. Our Business Connectivity services include SD Cloud powered by Cisco and Fortinet to ensure your critical business assets are safe and also Cloud Direct Connect & ExpressRoute services from providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform to keep you up and running and assist you with route & application management, storage, databases with analytics, networking, security and Internet-of-Things (IoT).
Does TWC include Business Connectivity Services within the TWC IT packages?
Yes. Our IT packages were designed in response to the current events. As such, they offer connectivity as well as end-to-end transport layer security from Azure, AWS, Google Cloud to ExpressRoute and AWS Direct Connect.
Does TWC provide 24/7 support in case something is wrong?
Of course. Due to our international presence across international locations such as New Jersey, Hong Kong and London, we can offer ongoing support to our client base 24/7/365, including weekends and holidays, making us one of the most reliable and efficient IT providers.
My business is not London-based. Can TWC still offer me reliable Connectivity services?
Absolutely. Even if you are outside of London, we connect you with services tailored to your unique needs. The range of Business Connectivity services offered by TWC can be implemented, managed and maintained remotely, making them the most cost-efficient and profitable solutions to your business.
I’m interested in receiving a quote from TWC. What are the next steps?
Reach out to us by simply filling out a ‘Quick Quote’ request form or dial 08000 248 900 and one of our team will be in touch with you immediately. Alternatively, you can contact us on any of our social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.

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